www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/How to install Piwik.html/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/Commands/GenerateAngularDirective.php

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later

namespace Piwik\Plugins\CoreConsole\Commands;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class GenerateAngularDirective extends GeneratePluginBase
    protected function configure()
             ->setDescription('Generates a template for an AngularJS directive')
             ->addOption('pluginname', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The name of an existing plugin')
             ->addOption('directive', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The name of the directive you want to create.');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $pluginName = $this->getPluginName($input, $output);
        $directive  = $this->getDirectiveName($input, $output);
        $pluginPath = $this->getPluginPath($pluginName);

        $directiveLower = $this->getDirectiveComponentName($directive);

        $targetDir = $pluginPath . '/angularjs/' . $directiveLower;

        if (is_dir($targetDir) || file_exists($targetDir)) {
            throw new \Exception('The AngularJS directive ' . $directiveLower . ' already exists in plugin ' . $pluginName);

        $exampleFolder = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/ExamplePlugin';
        $replace       = array(
            'ExamplePlugin'       => $pluginName,
            'directive-component' => $directiveLower,
            'componentClass'      => lcfirst($directive),
            'componentAs'         => lcfirst($directive),
            'component'           => $directiveLower,
            'Component'           => $directive

        $componentPath = '/angularjs/directive-component';

        $whitelistFiles = array(
            $componentPath . '/component.controller.js',
            $componentPath . '/component.directive.html',
            $componentPath . '/component.directive.js',
            $componentPath . '/component.directive.less',

        $this->copyTemplateToPlugin($exampleFolder, $pluginName, $replace, $whitelistFiles);

        $replacedBasePath = '/angularjs/' . $directiveLower . '/' . $directiveLower;
        $js1   = $replacedBasePath . '.controller.js';
        $js2   = $replacedBasePath . '.directive.js';
        $less1 = $replacedBasePath . '.directive.less';

        $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array(
            sprintf('AngularJS directive "%s" for plugin "%s" in "%s" generated', $directive, $pluginName, $targetDir),
            sprintf('In <comment>%1$s/%2$s.php</comment> you should now require the JS files', $pluginPath, $pluginName),
            sprintf('<comment>%1$s%2$s</comment>, <comment>%1$s%3$s</comment>', $pluginPath, $js1, $js2),
            sprintf('and the less file <comment>%1$s%2$s</comment>.', $pluginPath, $less1),
            'If you are not familiar with this have a look at <comment>http://developer.piwik.org/guides/working-with-piwiks-ui</comment>'

     * Convert MyComponentName => my-component-name
     * @param  string $directiveCamelCase
     * @return string
    protected function getDirectiveComponentName($directiveCamelCase)
        return strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z])(?=[A-Z])/', '$1-', $directiveCamelCase));

     * @param InputInterface $input
     * @param OutputInterface $output
     * @return string
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    private function getDirectiveName(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $testname = $input->getOption('directive');

        $validate = function ($testname) {
            if (empty($testname)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You have to enter a name for the directive');

            if (!ctype_alnum($testname)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only alphanumeric characters are allowed as a directive name. Use CamelCase if the name of your directive contains multiple words.');

            return $testname;

        if (empty($testname)) {
            $dialog   = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
            $testname = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, 'Enter the name of the directive you want to create: ', $validate);
        } else {

        $testname = ucfirst($testname);

        return $testname;

    protected function getPluginName(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $pluginNames = $this->getPluginNames();
        $invalidName = 'You have to enter the name of an existing plugin';

        return $this->askPluginNameAndValidate($input, $output, $pluginNames, $invalidName);